Now you can download some sounds of Dean as Ryan 'O Reily in Oz. Just click on the link to hear the file and right click to save it. ^_^
I made these files by myself, and they took time to make (even though they ARE badly made ^^;) so PLEASE don't use them on your page without my permission first, ok? Thanks. :)
The files are of REALLY bad quality, though, so I can't possibly see why you'd want to use them on your page. ^_^;
Of course, feel free to download them for your own listening pleasure. ^_^
Ryan meeting Keane.
Ryan saying, "Yum yum. Plastic."
Ryan's rap sheet/introduction. "Prisoner number 97P904, Ryan 'O Reilly..."
Ryan at confession. Pretty funny.
Ryan telling Beecher he has to get out of Oz.
Ryan saying "let's get high."
A very stoned Ryan reassuring Beecher. This is HILARIOUS. ^_^