There aren't many other Dean Winters links that I can think of, which I
already stated at the begining of this page. ^_^;; Except a few, that is!
And those few are very good ones. I'll give you the link to them here, though you can get to them through the webring on the front page as well.
Other than that, I can offer only some Dean Winters-RELATED links, and some Oz-related links as well.
Just click on where you'd like
to go next. I hope you enjoyed this page, though! ;):
The Dean Winters Appreciation Society - At first, and at last, this was and is the one and only Dean Winters page I could find. It's based a lot on his character Ryan from Oz. It's a truly great page, so go check it out!! You won't be disappointed. ^_^
Fans of Dean Winters! - This page has a lot of articles I don't have, and updates fairly frequently with info on Dean. The only problem with this site is that NONE of the images work!! :(
Oz: 'O Reily - A step by step retelling (with LOTS of little pictures!) of the story of Ryan 'O Reily. Cool little page, part of a larger Oz site, Rob's Oz Episode Guide, which ROCKS!! It is VERY extensive.
The Oz Discussion Forum - Find out more stuff related and about Oz and its actors and have great conversations. I've made so many great friends here! This used to be part of a very, very wonderful Oz site that unfourtanately went down a few years ago. :*( It was truly one of the very, very best!
Welcome to Em City - This is Shug's site! Shug gave me 99% of the pics you see on my page. Well, Sugaree's site is a GREAT fanfic site; even if you're not into reading fanfic, there's lots of other stuff to do and see here. A must-go!
Oz World - A great Oz site with a cool layout and lots to look at, including a sound section.
Character - Okay, so that's not the title of the site, but that's what was written at the top of the page!! Anyway, this is an Oz page in JAPANESE!!!! For someone who's life revolves around all things Japan, THIS RULES SO MUCH!!! Oh, there's stuff on The X-Files, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Star Trek (ST!!!! oh, love!!!) and some other popular shows, for those who are interested. :D
Oz Gallery - OHHHH!!! ANOTHER Japanese Oz site!!!! This site is even BETTER than the last, it's JUST 100% pure OZ and there's so much kewl stuff on it, including the most cutest drawing of Beecher and Keller...LOOK HERE!!!!!! For those who can't read Jaapnese, the drawing is called "Love Love Survival". HOW could you resist THAT???!! ^_____^ OHHHH!!! More Japanese OZ!!!!! I LOVE JAPAN AND I LOVE OZ!!!!!! ::hyperventilates::
Rob's Oz Episode Guide - A truly extensive Oz site. Really, really good navigation and lots of info up to season 5. Don't forget to check out the cool 'O Reily section! ^_^ - Ahh, the one and only!! If you love CM and/or Keller and haven't been to this site yet, you have nooo idea what you're go, NOW!!! Chris himself has answered questions that fans have posted here. Pretty cool, huh?
Strange Bedfellows - A B/K (Beecher and Keller) site!!! YEAHHHHH!!!!!! ^________^ Yummers!
Kirk Acevedo - A really cool site dedicated to Kirk Acevedo, who plays Miguel Alvarez on Oz. He's such a cutie. Check it out! :)